Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I fried my modem!

Last Wednesday was my birthday! I drank some iced cider and accidentally tipped my third glass onto my computer and modem which fried it. No fun. The technician had come on Friday to fix it, but apparently he was in the wrong area of town. I finally managed to call them today and they fixed it tonight. FINALLY!

On another note, I failed the weddingbee application -_-. I thought I would make it. It's a little frustrating since sometimes I feel that I could bring more to weddingbee than some other bees that have been on there. I guess I'll give it another shot sometime in the future.

Whenever I feel down this little picture of this little guy always cheers me up!

You know what? Life give you lemons. Heck, life gives you a truckload of lemons. And you know what you have to do with those lemons? Make lemonade and lemon pie! 


firemuffy said...

Testing one two...

Lyndsey said...

if life gives you lemons, find someone whose life gave them vodka and have a party ;)

Miss Pug said...

YAY comments :)

I've been there with the weddingbee lemons. YAY for us postive thinkers though!

firemuffy said...

Like Dora from Finding Nemo would say....

"Just keep swimming swimming swimming!"