Thursday, November 12, 2009

Not The Usual Wedding

Mr. Ferret and I have decided not to invite children to our wedding. We absolutely love kids, but we want our guests to have a wonderful time and have fun.

So there's no ringbearer and flowergirl. Honestly, I've only seen it in one wedding that I have attended.

I have seen something really cute that would be cool if we could wing it. Mind you, they would go a little crazy with all of the people around!

I can't stop giggling! I know. It's really silly, but c'mon you know Truffle would make a beautiful flower girl!

Ok, nevermind. It was good for a few laughs. I would never hear the end of this from my mom, dad, Mr. Ferret's parents, my friends....etc.etc.

Have you ever incorporated your furrbabies into your wedding?


Morgan said...

Awww, that is the cutest picture! It's so fun to entertain the though of having my kitties participate in the wedding, but would be too hard logistically.

Born to be Mrs. Beever said...

I struggled with the idea of kids at our wedding. I really wanted all of the children and teens in our lives to be included. But budget and space wise, we couldn't swing it. So we opted for only children within our family as well as a handful of kids of friends that are coming in from out of town or super close to us. I asked a girlfriend of mine if she would be offended if I didn't invite her teenage daughter (a friend of my own daughter's) and she said she wouldn't expect to have them invited because they think of weddings as their 'date night' away from the kids. :)

Pug(s) and Bugg said...

Dying. Of. CUTENESS!!!!!!

Obviously you love your ferrets like I love my pugs! It's too bad that including them would be a stress for you and them... since she looks DARLING! Can you take pictures with them before the wedding like we are with our pugs?

Kim said...

Super Cute! I lost the "no kids" battle with my future in-laws. I guess they thought it would be insulting to invite an entire family without their children. I get it, so I've just let this one go . . .

Dancy said...

Hah! So cute! We're not having kids at the wedding either. Some people aren't happy with it... they're grownups... they'll get over it. ;)

Katie said...

Leaving you something on my blog in the AM :)

firemuffy said...

Unfortunately that's not a picture of Truffle. She looks like that though!

I think it would be great to take "family pictures" before the wedding like some people do for Christmas cards. I've never knit or crochet ferret clothes. It will be very interesting!